Day Care Miles of smiles

Miles of Smile Dacare is a small daycare center that was founded in September 2020 and officially registered in 2022.

The facility was founded with the aim
of helping families affected by poverty and illness, often single mothers or grandmothers, and offer them a safe place to care for their children, where they are not only looked after and prepared for school in an age-appropriate manner, but above all can play and have fun.

About Us

The daycare program was started in pediatric ward when Issaya, the funder, work as physician as temporary job. Then later shift the project from hospital to the street. After Issaya rent a house for the project and grow from 5 kids to 40 kids today.

How to help us ?


You can donate to our programs through our sponsors


You can donate your time and join us in our daycare.

Follow us

You can follow us and give us all your love on our social networks.


“A testimonial from a volunteer.”
Volunteer Name
“A testimonial from a child parent”
Parent Name
“A testimonial from a teacher.”
Teacher Name